We would like to share our daily blog with you. There has been so much going on with us and just a little too personal to share with the whole FaceBook world.
Visit here for the latest updates, photos and thoughts.
We would also like to thank you all for your continuous thoughts and prayers.
On July 11, James walked our daughter Lehua down the aisle in Los Angeles, California. This was just a week after being rushed to the hospital with complications. For us all, this was a miracle in itself...it marked his two year milestone.
We thought things were as best as we could expect and going pretty well with hopes of taking James back home to Japan soon. On Tuesday, July 27, James was brought to the ER in serious condition. James had major blood loss and due to the generosity of blood and plasma donors, James was transfused with 10 units. Things were not looking good but James pulled through again.
Further tests and procedures were done to locate and stop the bleeding...a success. CAT scan in the ER showed swelling of James' brain and a tumor. An MRI and another CT Scan was done and test showed that there was even more cancer. James is now receiving radiation treatment to his entire head five times a week. The swelling in his brain has been brought down and he just completed his second radiation treatment.
James is being kept as comfortable as possible to tolerate pain and despite it all, he still smiles, makes us laugh and continues to fight. Today he started physical therapy and was able to us a walker and walk for a short distance. We are just taking one day at a time and making each minute count.
Every day is a new and we thank God for each moment we share.
Please keep James in your prayers.
We Love you all...James & Alz